Made some incredible progress on the Dragon Quest X Version 1 review!
I’ve been working hard over the past week crunching the Dragon Quest X Version 1 review and I’m proud to say that all of the gameplay footage has now been added to the review. The above picture is just a small portion of the review with the gameplay footage put on top of my talking footage to match the specific gameplay to what I’m saying on screen. This is usually the *most* difficult part of editing game reviews since you need to sort through HOURS of game footage to find the correct scenes you need for the video. With a game as long as DQX, this is extremely tedious as I recorded over 40 hours of the Version 1 story alone. I even needed to record extra footage of things that I didn’t even record yet which added so much more to editing this video.
The next step is now adding the appropriate background music to the entire review which usually doesn’t take too long, but it’s important to match the tone and mood I want to convey in different parts of the review. After that, the final sound mix to remove ambient noise and normalize audio levels from my talking footage which also doesn’t take too long. The final parts will be editing my green screen footage into the intro which may take a while, and then watching the final product for Quality Assurance purposes.
Still not in the final stretch yet, but I’m surprised how much more smoothly this has gone in comparison to a year ago when I was working on the DQXI review. Since I’m working from home thanks to COVID-19, I’ve had way more time to dedicate to editing videos and not sitting in traffic going to and from my workplace. It’s in a semi watchable state now and I think this may turn out to be one of the best reviews I’ve done so far.
Gotta get back to the grind, but that’s the progress for this week!